Many of us don't know how to cope with some of the difficult times we experience in our lives. For too many of us, unresolved issues cause much discontent within ourselves. A disillusioned personal life can easily lead to a disillusioned professional life. Think about a critical time in your life that still haunts you - childhood abuse, rape, depression, low self-esteem, loneliness. Now think about the fact that you are still breathing and capable of moving beyond the pain and hurt. Ask yourself, "Why am I still here in this place of suffering and discontent?" Suffering from discontent deprives you of an enormous opportunity to excel not only in your homeplace, but in your workspace and workplace, as well. Emotional and intellectual discontent stagnate personal and professional growth and development. It's time to S.E.E.K. & SHINE!! In other words, it is time to...
Speak and envision positive outcomes to achieve success in the homeplace, workspace and workplace.
Eliminate negative attitudes that resist professional growth and development.
Energize inner strength to overcome personal and professional challenges.
Keep moving in the right direction toward setting higher standards and reaching goals.
Then SHINE in your brilliance!!
The process of boosting one's morale requires an "I gotta do this for me" attitude and it takes a lot of courage because it will not be an easy journey. There will be times of uncertainty and there will be excessive criticism from those who want you to stay disillusioned. Take it slow and easy. The first step is to speak and envision positive outcomes to achieve success in the homeplace, workspace and workplace. I'd like to offer a few suggestions to get you started.
§ Remove negative thoughts from your vocabulary and mindset. Replace them optimism.
§ Don't tell yourself "no." Let the other person tell you "no." Then turn that "no" into a "yes."
§ Speak out the hurt and pain from your mind because you are alive. Envision a joyful future.
§ Stop watching television for the next 30 days and give homage to the positive aspects of your life.
§ Yes you can!! Whatever it is, Yes you can!!
§ Yes you can!! Whatever it is, Yes you can!!
Ladies, look at each bullet point as a challenge and delve deep into your individual womanness. Don't ask any mortal man, woman, or child for guidance. Of course, if you feel the need for professional help, seek the help. Otherwise, this is a solo journey of introspection. Start your new journey today.
Metaphorically speaking, pack your bags and travel to a place within you that you've never been before. Use your imagination. Speak and envision positive outcomes to achieve success in the homeplace, workspace and workplace.
Ladies, I'll see you here again in March.
“Until we learn the lessons inherent in unpleasant experiences, they will continue to hold power over us, and we will feel compelled to repeat them.”
-- From Open Your Mind, Open Your Life: A Little Book of Eastern Wisdom
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