Power walk with confidence...

 Demetrice power walks with two 10-pound barbells during her morning exercise routine at the Joe Day Recreational Field in Buenaventura Lakes in Kissimmee, FL.

About 15 years ago, I started power walking with two 2-pound barbells.  Even though they were lightweight, it was still a challenge walking fast with four pounds of lead. Eventually, my pace increased as my arms became stronger. 

About two months later, I started walking with two 5-pound barbells.  One day I weakened during the challenge and grabbed the 2-pounders. My strong arms lifted the lightweights and recognized the challenge no more.  So I welcomed the ten pound challenge with an open and strong mind.  Even though the 5-pounders overpowered my arms, the  extra weight put more pep into my steps.  Eventually my arms and mind grew stronger than ever.  Recently, while looking for something in my closet, I came across my newest challenge seen in the photo above. 

On March 1, 2011, I started walking with 10-pounders.  What a challenge because I now walk one mile instead of four.  For several weeks, my steps were powerless.  It's March 24th, and I'm pepping up my stepping.  The weights seem lighter as my arms and mind grow stronger.  I am building EmpowerMENTAL strength for the next challenge - 1.5 miles. I walk six days a week, however, it's a slow and methodical process. 

Since the beginning, my power walking exercise program empowers my determination to build mental strength by embracing more powerful challenges that motivate me to pursue personal and professional success with greater confidence. I firmly believe that a strong mind prevails.  

Ladies, power walk with confidence

Empower your beautiful minds ... 

Take on new challenges with bravado ... 

Put some pep into your steps one methodical step at a time to achieve personal and professional success...