Confident woman - connecting mind and body |
Enough time has passed for you to now face the naked truth. Connect the two powerful forces blessed upon you - your beautiful mind and soulful-filled body - to learn your truth.
Listen! Listen carefully to the instructions from the all-powerful quiet whisper blowing through the winds of self-doubt and low self-esteem. The Omnipotent One is trying to tell you something - look skyward for guidance, affirmation and assurance. Hear the melodic chantings of "the Truth shall set you free."
Look inward - in your beautiful mind and soulful-filled body - and begin the process of proclaiming self-confidence with absolute truth and power.
Let go of all inhibitions learned from the day you wailed your way into this world up to now. Weep no more for you are a woman who knows how to do you.
Open up your beautiful mind and let the sunshine in.
Open your heart and let pure soulfulness enchant your soulful-filled curvaceous body.
Feel the energy of your womanness. Admire the YOU-nique strength of soft feminine hands on strong womanly shoulders.
Confident woman - a blend of courage, love and dare!